To add your lead names to your postcard:
1. Purchase 3000 names from Lead King for $2.99 along with a 3 day trial membership.
Click on their link "Click Here to Download Today's Leads".
This opens a zip file. Click Open.
You will need to save these files to your computer as an Excel file (and if you decide to send more postcards, you will already have the 2000 extra names).
Save this file as LeadKing1.
2. Open the Microsoft Word program on your computer.
3. Select "Tools" from the top menu.
4. Select "Mail Merge" from the drop down menu.
5. The Mail Merge Helper will pop up. Click on 1 Main Document - Create.
6. Choose Mailing Labels.
7. From the pop-up window, choose "Active Window".
8. Go to 2 Data Source - Get Data. Choose Open Data Source.
9. This will bring up the Open Data Source window.
At the bottom, look for the Files of type window (there will be "All Word Documents" showing).
Click on the down arrow and scroll to the bottom choice - All Files (*.*).
Choose it.
You will see your LeadKing Excel file that you created in step 1 there (LeadKing1).
Click on it(it will turn blue) and press Open.
10. The small Microsoft Excel window will pop up. Choose "Entire Spreadsheet". Press OK.
11. A new small Microsoft Word window will pop up.
Choose "Set Up Main Document".
12. The Label Options window will open.
Look for the product number window.
Scroll down inside that window.
Choose 3263 - Post Card.
Press OK.
13. The Create Label window will open.
Click on the Inset Merge Field button.
Choose the first name, space, last name.
Choose address.
Choose city, put a comma, choose state.
Enter. Choose zip code.
14. Now we need to add your return address.
Put cursor before all the merge fields, press enter 6 times.
Put your cursor back at the top and add your return address.
You may want to move the lead address merge fields about 30 spaces towards the middle of the document with your space bar.
It make the postcards look better.
Press OK.
15. Go to #3 Merge the data with the document. Choose Merge.
16. The Merge window will open.
Choose Merge to: New Document.
Press Merge button.
17. You will now see your addresses on a postcard template.
18. Print the 1000 names on the other side of the post cards.
*If you don't like the way the return address or lead address looks, close Word without saving, and repeat the steps. It won't mess anything up, and it is better to get it "Just Right". Quality counts.